Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Paul Cook's & Steve Knight's H.R.3668 - California Minerals, Off-Road Recreation, and Conservation Act--H.R. 3668 Contains (1) Unfunded Mandates, (2) Giveaways to Corporate Donors, (3) Guts California Sovereignty, (4) Gives Away Use of Public lands without Any Compensation (for starters)--Do Cook & Knight read these Crap Bills?

What does H.R. 3668 really do?
To the superficial envios & off-roaders, it sounds like we get more wilderness areas & off road areas
So what is it really?
1. THE ONLY new areas that have any proviso in the law for acquisition expenses, is Mojave Trails Special Management Area (Sections 603 & 604 of the Bill) and the Sand to Snow National Monument (Section 703 & 704 of the bill)--the problem?? NO funding; this is another Republican unfunded mandate and taking of private lands 
2. The "Release of California School Land" strips the California Land Commission of jurisdiction - Problem? Its another Republican use of federal power to strip the State of its sovereignty AND AGAIN, its another unfunded Republican mandate  and taking of private property without compensation
3. The "Valid Existing Rights Conversion (Section 807)is a gifting of easements to the power lobby(PG&E, Edison & SoCalifornia Gas)--again the problem (we get no money from them for the USE of our public lands again despite the billions they make--another act of corporate welfare by the Republican police state)
4. Release of Reversionary interest to the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (Section 801)--lands which they used, but did not own, Cook's & Knight's bill is giving away in perpetuity, again collecting NOTHING for the use of public lands and water, with NO conservation mandates
Wow--bad law dudes

Note: Mr. Cook (for himself and Mr. Knight) introduced the bill; which was referred to the Committee on Natural Resources-- see full text at{%22search%22%3A[%22\%22hr3668\%22%22]}&resultIndex=1#toc-HA80A6C832758444A9F15C22FA2470065.