Our Social Security system has been under attack for decades. Since 2010, some members of Congress have been so intent on cutting your earned benefits that they’ve held hostage our nations’ credit, threatened to shut down the government, and forced Congress through a nauseating series of manufactured crises.
But benefit cuts aren’t the only way to dismantle our Social Security system. Congress has cut fourteen of the last sixteen SSA budget requests. These cuts are being felt, as the Social Security Administration has been forced to shutter dozens of field offices around the country, including in Barstow, Redlands and Corona.
That's why I urge people to sign the petition on CREDOMobilize.com. The petition says the following:
The American people own our Social Security system, including the offices in our neighborhoods, nobody has the right to close our local offices. Re-open Social Security offices in California!Tell Congress: Re-open the closed social security offices in California.
The Social Security Administration is funded the same way Social Security benefits are—by payroll taxes that all of us pay (its NOT an entitlement folks!). Its expenses have no impact on the federal debt, and represent less than 1% of Social Security’s annual expenditures, but that hasn't stopped the current congressman (Paul Cook) Congress from from systematically defunding the agency.
Progressive columnist RJ Eskow wrote recently on the Huffington Post that “many disabled and elderly Social Security recipients depend on field offices, and the workers in them.” And as Michael Hiltzik of the Los Angeles Times said “They haven’t been able to cut benefits, so they’re doing the next best thing: making it hard for you to know what you’re due, and harder to get it when it comes due.”
The bottom line is, Americans came together to create the Social Security system to provide a basic, reliable foundation for retirement and disability. Closing field offices and making it more difficult to access benefits information is an attempt to dismantle that foundation. We have to
fight back now to stop it.
Will you join me and add your name to my petition urging Congress to re-open the closed Social Security offices in California?
Tell Paul Cook by your support of the petition we have had enough and then vote his multiple public pensioned butt out of another pension farm.
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