I know that ex leaders (and current ones) want to be able to say the losses were for something worthwhile. I think Americans want to feel the sacrifice of our men and women under arms, the losses and burdens to their families and our economic future were all worthwhile.
The past is an interesting reality--it happened. It can't be changed or altered. With that said we really need to get beyond the notion it is Bush's war or Obama's. We need to get beyond the finger pointing with a selective memory (and facts recounted) in tow.
We can claim to have a moral obligation to defend the people we fought with and for, but one has to wonder how many are left that haven't immigrated to other countries by now (many to the US).
My money would be that the old Sadam Republican Guard might be tinkering, a military force we left virtually untouched --that ran Sadams brutal machine and basically vanished until now. By most intel reports, Sadam's personal guard was 10,000 strong and the military arm was 100,000 strong.
If we are defending the population against them, then limited action from the air and military advisors did not stop them before. Sadam lives on through his loyalists, who basically vanished when the intervention happened and for sure after the US led coalition refused to give administrator type jobs to them in the new government (like we did in Germany & Japan after WWII).
Are we defending the oil production and flow? If the answer to that question is yes, ask whose oil supply is it. Some reports are saying its all headed to Communist China. How is that our interest?
If we are defending US contractors working on the oil fields, are we responsible for a corporation putting their people in harm's way for profit?
The separatist question (breaking Iraq up) might be the only way to manage the hostilities, yet that does not seem to be in the discussion.
Paul Cook likes to do the military rhetoric thing and defend the sacrifice. Ok, so noted, BUT Paul Cook, you are Congressman, a part of one of the greatest bodies that has ever been existed--there not to justify what was done (let Fox news and the Washington Post do that), but to work with fellow members and ALL leadership to make a workable policy so we can ALL move forward with a defined PRESENT & LEGITIMATE interest driving our actions.
You were not elected to be Colonel of a Division, but be a servant of the 8th Congressional District's constituents and the greater United States of America.
It's time to stop sniffing Boehner's mindless march into oblivion.
Alternet (http://www.alternet.org
ReplyDeleteSee article for detailed recap of issues: Neocons' Shocking Iraq Revisionism: How They Are Utterly Divorced from Reality June 20, 2014