Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Congressmen Paul Cook [CA-08] & Pete Knight [CA-25] are ok with killing kids as long as its mining waste!

H.R. 1644 [called Delay Mountaintop Mining Valley Fill Rules] which Paul Cook voted for would prohibit the Department of the Interior (DOI) from issuing any rule regarding prohibited surface mining areas near streams until a year after the National Academy of Science (ANS) has submitted an evaluative report of the current rule to Congress. It gives two years for NAS to submit the report, meaning DOI would be prevented from issuing further rules for up to three years. Don't we have enough water quality problems without giving coal operators a license to pollute without fear of government oversight? Wow. Flint Michigan lead, Hinkley & PG&E....when will Cook and Knight care about the people? Both are big into the right-to-life movement--a slow kill with chemical pollution is ok?


  1. Business as usual: privatize the profits, dump the costs and cleanup on the endangered species and tax payers. More of the same old Molycorp crap, in spades.

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