I just
tweeted Cook to debate me on the immigration reform alternatives when
he gets back in the District since nothing got done today. To try and get something discussed, tweet him at
[his tweet was "I'm all in on staying in Washington until the job is done. #immigration #CA08"]
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Time to Demand Cook Debate with Bob Conaway the Immigration Issues in the District Since Nothing got Done in DC Today (or for that matter over the past 2 years)
Republican HR 676 Yea Votes Admits the ACA is Good Law & shows Paul Cook is one hypocritical dude
First, (and this is a partial listing) apart from the
vagueness of the resolution [Providing for authority to initiate
litigation for actions by the
President or other executive branch officials inconsistent with their
duties under the Constitution of the United States] being subject to
attack with an FRCP 12b6 motion [which looks like a dragnet to include
every vote, veto or executive action ever taken by not just the
President, but ANY executive branch official that the House leadership
disagrees with] , the usual privileges & immunities & political
question defenses, there is a ripeness question (whether there is an
issue that is actionable yet--e.g. has the government suffered a loss
financially by the Executive Orders?). If the individual small employer
mandate is delayed, the government has no outlays for the employees of
that employer--so where Cook & Boehner is the ripeness of the
House's legal claim?
Second, by suing to restore a provision putting BACK on
schedule the
coverage mandates (which the Roberts Supreme Court said was a lawful use
of the taxing power), isn't the House admitting the Affordable Care Act
is good law and worthy of enforcement...and by doing so, aren't their
past and promised future votes to obstruct, limit and or repeal that
law, a violation of the taxing power created and upheld by the Supreme
Court? If the House votes to enforce the mandate, wouldn't it be barred
from trying to repeal the law until the threatened lawsuit is over?.
It sounds like a cross complaint against the House Republicans responsible by the President is a possible course of action if the lawsuit has to go forward! If I don't get elected, count me in on the legal team!
Third, isn't it the height of intellectual dishonesty to sue to uphold the provisions in the law the Republicans have tried to repeal for the past two plus years? Isn't it especially hypocritical if the reason is that the Obama Executive Orders are interfering with the tax revenue gathering power of Congress while ignoring the tax giveaways of this Congress to corporation and special interests?
Fourth, how many employers with more than 50 employees
are there in this District (CA-08) that don't already have qualifying
medical care? Not many, so for this District, Cook's vote deals with a
Fifth, Cook gets his government paid
Tri-Care, his Congress paid care and has medical available from his
Assembly days--does anyone really think he cares about the medical care
of small employer's employees? This is pure political stunt work.
Its sad Cook does not use some of that taxpayer
funded higher education to think like a leader for the District and not
for Boehner's political obstructionist agenda.
Message prepared by candidate
Bob Conaway for Congress (CA-08)
Bob Conaway for Congress (CA-08)
12127 Mall Blvd, Suite A-363
Victorville CA 92392
Contact No. (760) 617-8305

Tuesday, July 29, 2014
TAKE A LOOK @ PAUL COOK's KNOWN CONTRIBUTORS....Indian Gambling Casinos Oft Hostile to Organized Labor & Selected Trade Unions Who Don't Seem Bothered by His Anti-Labor Voting Record....hmmm
Source: Campaign contributors: http://www.opensecrets.org/politicians/industries.php?cycle=2014&cid=N00034224&type=I&newmem=N:
1 | Casinos/Gambling | $53,100 | $53,100 | $53,100 | |
46 | Building Trade Unions | $31,000 | $0 | $31,000 | |
24 | Public Sector Unions | $19,000 | $0 | $19,000 | |
44 |
| $15,000 | $0 | $15,000 | |
39 | Industrial Unions | $10,500 | $0 | $10,500 | |
Misc Unions | $10,000 | $0 | $10,000 | ||
YET | |||||
THE | |||||
VOTING | |||||
RECORD | |||||
IS..... |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Monday, July 28, 2014
H.R.3393 - Student and Family Tax Simplification Act--The Only Thing Simple About the Bill was that Paul Cook's Misguided Vote Increases the Deficit & It Screws Non-Traditional Students & Graduate Students
The American Council on Education (ACE),
the umbrella lobbying group for higher education, opposed the
so called "Higher Education Tax Credits" bill.
ACE said that the House proposal to consolidate tax credits and eliminate some credits and deductions would disproportionately hurt nontraditional students who take advantage of the Lifetime Learning Credit. It would also take away benefits for graduate students.
Steven Bloom, ACE's group’s director of federal relations, said in an interview. “If you’re going to fix these credits and deductions -- which you don’t get a chance to do very often -- you need to make sure you address the needs of students now and in the future, keeping in mind the way the demographics of student populations are changing.”
The legislation cleared the House on a 227-187 vote. House Democrats and the White House opposed the bill because they said it would add to the deficit and was not offset by increases in revenue elsewhere in the federal budget. It is not expected to gain much traction in the Democrat-controlled Senate.
ACE said that the House proposal to consolidate tax credits and eliminate some credits and deductions would disproportionately hurt nontraditional students who take advantage of the Lifetime Learning Credit. It would also take away benefits for graduate students.
Steven Bloom, ACE's group’s director of federal relations, said in an interview. “If you’re going to fix these credits and deductions -- which you don’t get a chance to do very often -- you need to make sure you address the needs of students now and in the future, keeping in mind the way the demographics of student populations are changing.”
The legislation cleared the House on a 227-187 vote. House Democrats and the White House opposed the bill because they said it would add to the deficit and was not offset by increases in revenue elsewhere in the federal budget. It is not expected to gain much traction in the Democrat-controlled Senate.
Conaway challenged "Cook to get with the 21st Century and recognize
many people, even with degrees, are going to non traditional job focused
education and due to the changing technologies & communications
demands in our time, going to grad schools for not just enrichment, but
staying relevant and qualified for job market changes--a clearly bad
Read more: http://www.insidehighered.com/ news/2014/07/25/us-house- votes-change-college-tax- breaks-boost-student-loan- counseling#ixzz38ni0Gt3e
Inside Higher Ed
Read more: http://www.insidehighered.com/
Inside Higher Ed
Message prepared by candidate
Bob Conaway for Congress (CA-08)
Bob Conaway for Congress (CA-08)
12127 Mall Blvd, Suite A-363
Victorville CA 92392
Contact No. (760) 617-8305
Sunday, July 27, 2014
The email below is from Rep. Keith Ellison, co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, who represents Minnesota's 5th Congressional District. Congressman Ellison started a petition on CREDO Mobilize, where activists can launch their own campaigns for progressive change. Rep Ellison and I (Bob Conaway) strongly urge you to sign the petition urging congressional Republicans to end wage theft by federal contractors. | ||
| ||
Tell congressional Republicans [like Paul Cook]: Stop wage theft by federal contractors | ||
Dear friends & readers, . Hard-working Americans should never have to worry that an employer will deny overtime pay, take money out of their paycheck, or engage in other practices known as "wage theft" -- especially if that employer is a federal contractor. But that's exactly what's happening right now. Although there are strong labor laws to punish this type of activity, federal contractors are some of the worst offenders when it comes to committing wage theft. However, 204 House Republicans continue to refuse our attempts to protect federal contract workers. . It's time to tell Congressional Republicans to wake up and stop this illegal wage theft now. That's why Rep Ellison started his own campaign on CREDOMobilize.com, which allows activists to start their own petitions, a petition I, Bob Conaway as the Democratic Nominee for CA-08, support and urge all my friends and followers to likewise support. The petition, which is to Republicans in the U.S. House, says the following: Federal contract workers regularly face "wage theft" perpetrated by their employers, including being forced to work "off the clock" or without overtime pay. Support the Congressional Progressive Caucus’ work to keep lucrative government contracts away from law-breaking federal contractors who steal from their employees.Tell congressional Republicans: End illegal wage theft by federal contractors. . It's simple -- the federal government shouldn’t do business with corporations that break the law. That's why this summer, the Congressional Progressive Caucus, which Rep Ellison co-chairs, decided to put an end to federal contractor wage theft for good by introducing amendments to many spending bills brought up in Congress. . House Republicans must do the right thing and support federal contract workers who have families to feed, parents to look after, and basic needs that can't be met when wages are stolen. . Will you join Representative Elison and I (Bob Conaway as the Democratic Nominee for CA-08) by adding your name to the petition urging congressional Republicans to end federal contractor wage theft? Thank you for your support. Rep. Keith Ellison & Democratic Nominee Bob Conaway [CA-08]
Dear Friends,
I just created the petition "Demand Immigration Reform Hearings Start Now" and wanted to ask if you could add your name too. Thanks to you that have signed it already!!
This campaign means a lot to me and the more support we can get behind it, the better chance we have of succeeding. You can read more and sign the petition here:
https://www.credomobilize.com/ petitions/demand-immigration- reform-hearings-start-now
Thank you!
Robert "Bob" Conaway
Democratic Nominee for California's 8th Congressional District
[Inyo, Mono, High & Low Desert & Mountain regions of San Bernardino Counties]
P.S. Can you also take a moment to share the petition with others? It's really easy – all you need to do is forward this email or share this link on Facebook or Twitter:
https://www.credomobilize.com/ petitions/demand-immigration- reform-hearings-start-now
I just created the petition "Demand Immigration Reform Hearings Start Now" and wanted to ask if you could add your name too. Thanks to you that have signed it already!!
This campaign means a lot to me and the more support we can get behind it, the better chance we have of succeeding. You can read more and sign the petition here:
Thank you!
Robert "Bob" Conaway
Democratic Nominee for California's 8th Congressional District
[Inyo, Mono, High & Low Desert & Mountain regions of San Bernardino Counties]
P.S. Can you also take a moment to share the petition with others? It's really easy – all you need to do is forward this email or share this link on Facebook or Twitter:

Thursday, July 24, 2014
WHY BOB CONAWAY WOULD BE A BETTER REPRESENTATIVE for VETS (aside from the fact he was only a private in the USMC)
reform bill [http://crfb.org/blogs/cbo- finds-house-va-bill-could- cost-more-does-cost-less- senate-bill]
as McCain suggested, was supposed to be smooth sailing [unlike the
IRS scandal and issue of border security]. The general consensus about
fixes for veterans’
care has turned into a Republican led House campaign to outsource and
privatize more Veterans care, benefiting their well heeled corporate
contributors and blocking funding for increased staffing and needed
The compromise struck by McCain and Sanders would spend $500 million for constructing 27 new VA facilities and hiring new medical personnel, among other things. It also allows veterans who live beyond 40 miles from a VA facility the option to seek outside care. The measure passed 93-3 in the Senate.
The Sanders-McCain bill would cost $50 billion, but with that said, if the country wants to go to war, it has to tend to the wounded so why is this a problem with Cook and his republican colleagues?
If lawmakers were sincere when they deemed the VA system in crisis, why aren't they consider the legislation emergency spending and passing this BEFORE they take their vacation--its not like they have earned it with only 95 days of scheduled session this year. Sanders further stated “I think that it has been public that one of the great stumbling blocks is that the House is not interested in funding the doctors and nurses and space that the VA needs”
Conaway says:"Cook tells the world he is a Marine. Its time for Cook to tell the Republican leadership in the House preventing the passage of the Sander-McCain VA bill, to get out of the way of our promise to the men and women who have so proudly served us. As a man who served in uniform, this should be a no brainer. If we weren't busy giving duplicate tax cuts to corporations, we'd have the funding in a snap."
The compromise struck by McCain and Sanders would spend $500 million for constructing 27 new VA facilities and hiring new medical personnel, among other things. It also allows veterans who live beyond 40 miles from a VA facility the option to seek outside care. The measure passed 93-3 in the Senate.
The Sanders-McCain bill would cost $50 billion, but with that said, if the country wants to go to war, it has to tend to the wounded so why is this a problem with Cook and his republican colleagues?
If lawmakers were sincere when they deemed the VA system in crisis, why aren't they consider the legislation emergency spending and passing this BEFORE they take their vacation--its not like they have earned it with only 95 days of scheduled session this year. Sanders further stated “I think that it has been public that one of the great stumbling blocks is that the House is not interested in funding the doctors and nurses and space that the VA needs”
Conaway says:"Cook tells the world he is a Marine. Its time for Cook to tell the Republican leadership in the House preventing the passage of the Sander-McCain VA bill, to get out of the way of our promise to the men and women who have so proudly served us. As a man who served in uniform, this should be a no brainer. If we weren't busy giving duplicate tax cuts to corporations, we'd have the funding in a snap."
Message prepared by candidate
Bob Conaway for Congress (CA-08)
Bob Conaway for Congress (CA-08)
12127 Mall Blvd, Suite A-363
Victorville CA 92392
Contact No. (760) 617-8305
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
First Amendment Right to Peaceful Protest, Equal Access to the Internet for Political Activity & Cell Phone Privacy Rights Need to be Protected by Legislation Paul Cook Won't Press For, but Bob Conaway if elected will!!
Problem: Government is moving to take over the average citizen's chance to participate in the dialogue on contested public issues by peaceably protesting, using the internet and yup their cell phones.
What is remarkable is that Obama was had peaceful protesters advance causes for him in the ramp up to his election, Organizing for America used cell phones to make in-state and out-of-state contacts for not just fund raising, but getting out the vote and OFA & the DNC used the internet to fund raise and organize at record levels of efficiency.
Now an all too willing Congress is taking steps that will chill Americans first amendment civil rights--that is why we need changes in business as usual in Congress.
So what has been happening??
(1) the federal government has given access to crowd disbursal technology without the restriction that it can't be used on peaceful and lawful public protests by US citizens;
A LRAD (Long Range Acoustic Device) was used to disperse a rally at Hart Plaza in downtown Detroit on Friday, July 18, 2014 at 2:43pm. There has been previous use of an LRAD in Detroit on May 1, 2012 when Occupy Detroit gathered on the public sidewalk outside Grand Circus Park after park closing hours of 10pm. The use in 2012 was as a public address. The use in 2014 was to cause distress to those hearing the sound.You can hear the sound emitted in the video footage at 50 minutes into this clip (the final minute of the clip). Those who were on the platform to speak felt vibration throughout their body and some clutched at their chest during the deployment which last about 2 minutes [source: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2014/07/21/1315395/-Military-device-used-on-Detroit-protest-against-WaterShutoffs?detail=email].
Solution: Introduce legislation and codes of federal regulation banning the use of such technology on peaceful protesting by US citizens
(2) Tom Wheeler, the newly appointed FCC chair, recently proposed rules that would allow Internet service providers (ISPs) to divide the Internet into fast lanes for wealthy corporations and slow lanes for the rest of us, which if adopted will allow corporate takeover of the Internet and the death of Net Neutrality and reduce grass root organizers and leaders for political change equal access to the internet.
Net Neutrality is important because the Internet is an essential service.
Federal court cases have made it clear that the FCC has the power to enforce strong Net Neutrality rules, but only if the FCC goes through the process of undoing a terrible Bush-era decision to deregulate broadband instead of treating it like the vital public utility it has become.
Solution(s): Reclassifying the Internet as a public utility, which is the only way to establish Net Neutrality regulations with teeth.
(3) After local law enforcement was given dragnet type technology by the feds, the feds are asking the police to keep quiet about cellphone data collection equipment they are using.
Jack Gillum, Associated Press reported [http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/mar/22/police-keep-quiet-about-cell-tracking-technology/?page=all] on the problem.
"Stingray" is reportedly one such invasive technology being used, one which has been described as an innovative way for law enforcement to track cellphones used by suspects and gather evidence--the problem, it captures & records EVERYONE's cell phone traffic! How?? Stingray reportedly tricks cellphones into identifying their owners’ account information and transmitting data to police as if it were a phone company’s tower. That allows police to obtain cellphone information without having to ask for help from service providers, such as Verizon or AT&T, and can locate a phone without the user even making a call or sending a text message.
Solution: Pass regulations that capture the criminal conduct and communications related thereto and purge the rest.
What is remarkable is that Obama was had peaceful protesters advance causes for him in the ramp up to his election, Organizing for America used cell phones to make in-state and out-of-state contacts for not just fund raising, but getting out the vote and OFA & the DNC used the internet to fund raise and organize at record levels of efficiency.
Now an all too willing Congress is taking steps that will chill Americans first amendment civil rights--that is why we need changes in business as usual in Congress.
So what has been happening??
(1) the federal government has given access to crowd disbursal technology without the restriction that it can't be used on peaceful and lawful public protests by US citizens;
A LRAD (Long Range Acoustic Device) was used to disperse a rally at Hart Plaza in downtown Detroit on Friday, July 18, 2014 at 2:43pm. There has been previous use of an LRAD in Detroit on May 1, 2012 when Occupy Detroit gathered on the public sidewalk outside Grand Circus Park after park closing hours of 10pm. The use in 2012 was as a public address. The use in 2014 was to cause distress to those hearing the sound.You can hear the sound emitted in the video footage at 50 minutes into this clip (the final minute of the clip). Those who were on the platform to speak felt vibration throughout their body and some clutched at their chest during the deployment which last about 2 minutes [source: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2014/07/21/1315395/-Military-device-used-on-Detroit-protest-against-WaterShutoffs?detail=email].
Solution: Introduce legislation and codes of federal regulation banning the use of such technology on peaceful protesting by US citizens
(2) Tom Wheeler, the newly appointed FCC chair, recently proposed rules that would allow Internet service providers (ISPs) to divide the Internet into fast lanes for wealthy corporations and slow lanes for the rest of us, which if adopted will allow corporate takeover of the Internet and the death of Net Neutrality and reduce grass root organizers and leaders for political change equal access to the internet.
Net Neutrality is important because the Internet is an essential service.
Federal court cases have made it clear that the FCC has the power to enforce strong Net Neutrality rules, but only if the FCC goes through the process of undoing a terrible Bush-era decision to deregulate broadband instead of treating it like the vital public utility it has become.
Solution(s): Reclassifying the Internet as a public utility, which is the only way to establish Net Neutrality regulations with teeth.
(3) After local law enforcement was given dragnet type technology by the feds, the feds are asking the police to keep quiet about cellphone data collection equipment they are using.
Jack Gillum, Associated Press reported [http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/mar/22/police-keep-quiet-about-cell-tracking-technology/?page=all] on the problem.
"Stingray" is reportedly one such invasive technology being used, one which has been described as an innovative way for law enforcement to track cellphones used by suspects and gather evidence--the problem, it captures & records EVERYONE's cell phone traffic! How?? Stingray reportedly tricks cellphones into identifying their owners’ account information and transmitting data to police as if it were a phone company’s tower. That allows police to obtain cellphone information without having to ask for help from service providers, such as Verizon or AT&T, and can locate a phone without the user even making a call or sending a text message.
Solution: Pass regulations that capture the criminal conduct and communications related thereto and purge the rest.
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Did Paul Cook' read his "Capitol Update (July 1, 2014)" before sending it out??
1. Cook states [OPINION re the border crises]:
"The national security crisis on our southern border has taken a new and troubling turn in recent months. ...The border has been has recently overrun by thousands of unaccompanied minors entering the U.S. illegally. ... Tens of thousands of children...are being handed over to drug cartels to be smuggled into the United States. Many of these children are being sold into sex slavery by criminals. This is a direct result of the administration’s lawless policy of encouraging children to enter the United States illegally..." [THEN he says its the DREAM ACT & he says he would cease deportation and grant work permits to students illegally in the United States]"
WHOA DUDE!! Is it the cartels, the sex slavers or the DREAM ACT???
[CONAWAY OPINION] This guy, like his bozo bosses, will fling anything
into the air to trigger irrational hatred and ridicule. Cause and effect
needs to be discussed, but as anyone will tell you, trying to repeal
the Affordable Care Act was more important than working with the
President on immigration reform.1. Cook states [OPINION re the border crises]:
"The national security crisis on our southern border has taken a new and troubling turn in recent months. ...The border has been has recently overrun by thousands of unaccompanied minors entering the U.S. illegally. ... Tens of thousands of children...are being handed over to drug cartels to be smuggled into the United States. Many of these children are being sold into sex slavery by criminals. This is a direct result of the administration’s lawless policy of encouraging children to enter the United States illegally..." [THEN he says its the DREAM ACT & he says he would cease deportation and grant work permits to students illegally in the United States]"
WHOA DUDE!! Is it the cartels, the sex slavers or the DREAM ACT???
SOLUTION: If you want to stop the flow of unaccompanied children, stop
accepting Central American goods from factories in those countries until
the home countries control their own borders. CAFTA dude...enforce it.
If it is the cartels, file a RICO action against them, get a judgment
and seize their accounts in the US.
2. Cook says [RE LNG exporting & HR 6 (the "Domestic Prosperity and Global Freedom Act)]: "Due to advances in technology and innovation, America’s natural gas output has rapidly increased over the last decade and is expected to continue rising in the decades. ... The export of U.S. Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) offers significant domestic and geopolitical benefits. A recent study authored by the Department of Energy (DOE), DOE concluded that the export of U.S. LNG would result in net economic gains for America. In addition to the economic benefits and jobs resulting from building new export facilities, opening new markets for American natural gas would encourage further production of domestic energy. This would create additional jobs and support America’s manufacturing renaissance. A study by ICF International estimated that LNG exports are expected to contribute 665,000 net job gains by 2035. U.S. LNG can supplant the influence of other exporters like Russia and Iran while strengthening ties with our allies and trading partners around the world. The crisis in Ukraine has underscored the importance of U.S. LNG exports for global energy security. With the passage of H.R. 6, we can send a clear signal to our allies that a stable and secure energy supply will be available to meet their energy needs".
2. Cook says [RE LNG exporting & HR 6 (the "Domestic Prosperity and Global Freedom Act)]: "Due to advances in technology and innovation, America’s natural gas output has rapidly increased over the last decade and is expected to continue rising in the decades. ... The export of U.S. Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) offers significant domestic and geopolitical benefits. A recent study authored by the Department of Energy (DOE), DOE concluded that the export of U.S. LNG would result in net economic gains for America. In addition to the economic benefits and jobs resulting from building new export facilities, opening new markets for American natural gas would encourage further production of domestic energy. This would create additional jobs and support America’s manufacturing renaissance. A study by ICF International estimated that LNG exports are expected to contribute 665,000 net job gains by 2035. U.S. LNG can supplant the influence of other exporters like Russia and Iran while strengthening ties with our allies and trading partners around the world. The crisis in Ukraine has underscored the importance of U.S. LNG exports for global energy security. With the passage of H.R. 6, we can send a clear signal to our allies that a stable and secure energy supply will be available to meet their energy needs".
: HR 6 does not say or do what Cook claims it does, he overstates the
potential and the real motive is to get pending permits approved BEFORE
the November election so the big money comes into the party. The
Congressional Budget office [http://www.cbo.gov/ publication/45412] you will find some interesting "neutral" discussion:
"Under the Natural Gas Act, the Department of Energy (DOE) regulates imports and exports of natural gas. H.R. 6 would amend that act to specify a deadline for DOE to issue decisions on certain applications for authority to export natural gas. Specifically, H.R. 6 would require DOE to issue a decision on any existing application within 90 days of either the enactment date of H.R. 6 or the close of the comment period pertaining to the application, whichever is later".
(1) So its about speeding up the approval process for what? How big is this potential?? How many applications are involved?
According to DOE, fewer than 100 applications have been approved or are pending for export of natural gas as of March 2014 See: Congressional Budget office report at http://www.cbo.gov/ publication/45412]--so its not big and pressing, but it appears time critical!
(2) The ICF International study referred to by Cook does not state in what country the jobs would be created (opps) or if in this country certain plants get built, whose nationals, with the Trans Pacific Pact, will get the jobs on US soil?
(3) So what does it change? Well, the Court system--this is not about stabilizing markets, its about speeding up the ability of Koch Brother type folks ability to unload the fracking produced natural gas in three months or less from permit submission--which remarkably coincides with the November election cycle?? [See:https://beta.congress. gov/bill/113th-congress/house- bill/6] :
"Domestic Prosperity and Global Freedom Act - (Sec. 2) Directs the Department of Energy (DOE) to issue a decision on an application for authorization to export natural gas within 30 days after the later of: (1) the conclusion of the review to site, construct, expand, or operate the liquefied natural gas (LNG) facilities required by the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA); or (2) the date of enactment of this Act.
Deems any NEPA review to be concluded: (1) 30 days after publication of a required Environmental Impact Statement if the project needs one; (2) 30 days after publication by DOE of a Finding of No Significant Impact if the project needs an Environmental Assessment; and (3) upon a determination by the lead agency that an application is eligible for a categorical exclusion pursuant to regulations under NEPA.
(A "categorical exclusion" under NEPA is a category of actions which do not individually or cumulatively have a significant effect on the human environment and which have been found to have no such effect in procedures adopted by a federal agency in implementing environmental regulations and for which, therefore, neither an Environmental Assessment nor an Environmental Impact Statement is required.)
Confers original and exclusive jurisdiction upon the U.S. Court of Appeals for the circuit in which the export facility under an application will be located over any civil action for the review of: (1) a DOE order regarding the application, or (2) DOE failure to issue a final decision on the application.
Requires the Court, if it finds in a civil action that DOE has failed to issue a final decision on an application, to order DOE to issue one within 30 days.
Requires the Court to set any civil action brought under this Act on the docket, for expedited consideration, as soon as practical after the filing date of the initial pleading.
(Sec. 3) Amends the Natural Gas Act to set, as a condition for approval of any authorization to export LNG, that the DOE Secretary require the applicant to disclose publicly the specific destination or destinations of any such authorized LNG exports".
Cook and the Koch types want to destroy our court review process for a measlie 100 past and current applications? If you believe that, I've got some bridges to sell ya.
The Koch types have a new friend indeed. But California deserves better (and so does the nation).
"Under the Natural Gas Act, the Department of Energy (DOE) regulates imports and exports of natural gas. H.R. 6 would amend that act to specify a deadline for DOE to issue decisions on certain applications for authority to export natural gas. Specifically, H.R. 6 would require DOE to issue a decision on any existing application within 90 days of either the enactment date of H.R. 6 or the close of the comment period pertaining to the application, whichever is later".
(1) So its about speeding up the approval process for what? How big is this potential?? How many applications are involved?
According to DOE, fewer than 100 applications have been approved or are pending for export of natural gas as of March 2014 See: Congressional Budget office report at http://www.cbo.gov/
(2) The ICF International study referred to by Cook does not state in what country the jobs would be created (opps) or if in this country certain plants get built, whose nationals, with the Trans Pacific Pact, will get the jobs on US soil?
(3) So what does it change? Well, the Court system--this is not about stabilizing markets, its about speeding up the ability of Koch Brother type folks ability to unload the fracking produced natural gas in three months or less from permit submission--which remarkably coincides with the November election cycle?? [See:https://beta.congress.
"Domestic Prosperity and Global Freedom Act - (Sec. 2) Directs the Department of Energy (DOE) to issue a decision on an application for authorization to export natural gas within 30 days after the later of: (1) the conclusion of the review to site, construct, expand, or operate the liquefied natural gas (LNG) facilities required by the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA); or (2) the date of enactment of this Act.
Deems any NEPA review to be concluded: (1) 30 days after publication of a required Environmental Impact Statement if the project needs one; (2) 30 days after publication by DOE of a Finding of No Significant Impact if the project needs an Environmental Assessment; and (3) upon a determination by the lead agency that an application is eligible for a categorical exclusion pursuant to regulations under NEPA.
(A "categorical exclusion" under NEPA is a category of actions which do not individually or cumulatively have a significant effect on the human environment and which have been found to have no such effect in procedures adopted by a federal agency in implementing environmental regulations and for which, therefore, neither an Environmental Assessment nor an Environmental Impact Statement is required.)
Confers original and exclusive jurisdiction upon the U.S. Court of Appeals for the circuit in which the export facility under an application will be located over any civil action for the review of: (1) a DOE order regarding the application, or (2) DOE failure to issue a final decision on the application.
Requires the Court, if it finds in a civil action that DOE has failed to issue a final decision on an application, to order DOE to issue one within 30 days.
Requires the Court to set any civil action brought under this Act on the docket, for expedited consideration, as soon as practical after the filing date of the initial pleading.
(Sec. 3) Amends the Natural Gas Act to set, as a condition for approval of any authorization to export LNG, that the DOE Secretary require the applicant to disclose publicly the specific destination or destinations of any such authorized LNG exports".
Cook and the Koch types want to destroy our court review process for a measlie 100 past and current applications? If you believe that, I've got some bridges to sell ya.
The Koch types have a new friend indeed. But California deserves better (and so does the nation).
Message prepared by candidate
Bob Conaway for Congress (CA-08)
Bob Conaway for Congress (CA-08)
12127 Mall Blvd, Suite A-363
Victorville CA 92392
Contact No. (760) 617-8305
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