First the bill shows there is no intention of even starting the dialogue on comprehensive immigration reform--which includes topics such as work visas & green cards issued without regard to there being Americans ready, willing and able to do the work (causing American job losses) , purchased resident alien cards for foreign nationals and their extended families in exchange for certain levels of investment (displacing American workers and businesses), what our country is willing to do for refugees created by American economic and political policies, what due process guidelines do we set and enforce so terrible mistakes are not made in the deportation process and what our country is proposing to do with foreign born youth & their families who have been in this Country working and paying taxes.
"Instead of working together, instead of focusing on the 80 percent where there is agreement between the Democrats and Republicans, between the administration and Congress, House Republicans, as we speak, are trying to pass the most extreme and unworkable versions of a bill that they already know is going nowhere, that can't pass the Senate, and that if it were to pass the Senate, I would veto," Obama said at a news conference Friday. "They know it. They're not even trying to actually solve the problem. This is a message bill that they couldn't quite pull off yesterday, so they made it a little more extreme so maybe they can pass it today, just so they can check a box before they're leaving town for a month."
Second, Paul Cook & his Republican buds show while they talk tough, they are unwilling to fund even their own limited program properly. The Republican-controlled House of Representatives late on Friday approved legislation that would provide $694 million in additional funding for border security, to care for children from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador who have flooded over the border in recent months & to speed up the deportation process. President Barack Obama had asked Congress for $3.7 billion to tackle the crisis. The result, critical government work will lose funding and the task will fail, perpetuating the crises.
President Obama said he would have to work out a solution to the border crisis on his own -- moving federal funds around. The Department of Homeland Security notified Congress last Friday that it will transfer $405 million from other programs to deal with an immigration crisis and without those funds, operations of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency needed to minimally handle the crisis could run out in mid-August and those of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection in mid-September.
The bulk of the transfer - about $270 million - will come from the Federal Emergency Management Agency's disaster relief fund. An additional $30 million will come from the Coast Guard, the official said.
Bob Conaway says to "tell Congressman Paul Cook, he needs to be more than a rubber stamp to Cruz's and Boehner's policies as we need leadership to solve the immigration crises, not just tossing money at a problem without regard to its impacts on mission critical federal programs & proposes a town hall meeting to air out the issues, take public comment and testimony."
Message prepared by candidate
Bob Conaway for Congress (CA-08)
Bob Conaway for Congress (CA-08)
12127 Mall Blvd, Suite A-363
Victorville CA 92392
Contact No. (760) 617-8305

This throwing of words that sound good on TV at a problem is no way to handle governance. It is often said that everything costs . . . it costs time, money, or resources. A studied examination of the problem, the cost of the problem and the resources available should be made, and a reduction or elimination of the problem should be the result. It is what the people expect of our elected officials, and we simply aren't getting it from the Republicans currently in office. Paul Cook may be the worst example of this failure to perform the job he was sent to do.