Thursday, October 30, 2014
Went to DESERT RENEWABLE RESOURCE CONSERVATION PLAN public input meeting in Victorville last night. It is a plan to conserve NOTHING, is a plan to develop wind and solar with NO PROVISION for the building of the needed power lines (so if and when the power lines and easements become needed, it becomes a hidden tax on all of us through bonds or through deficit spending that requires more tax revenue) and it has NO SPECIFICS or MEANS of IMPLEMENTATION of MITIGATION MEASURES NEEDED [if these solar and wind farms are built, and adverse environmental impacts need to be dealt with or mitigated, there is no objective evaluation and enforcement process--which by the way I made a public comment on]. I could go on (talk about water shortage issues, PM-2.5 and PM-10 dust problems causing respiratory damage, air borne mold caused Valley Fever to name a few) but the comments and testimony at the hearing were powerful reasons of why the state needs to FIRST work on conservation plans--ya know things like requiring lower wattage lighting, appliances to name a few, turning down A/C 2 degrees, etc. The slick and well funded program is a Mississippi two step--with counties like ours that have a pro developer mind set and expedited approval processes with little to no due process for citizen groups, the pre-done EIR (Environmental Impact Report with pre-set concerns and fixes--which seems to violate due process, CEQA and the State Public Resources code) will fast track the dumping of these techno dinos into the communities with the smallest voice to oppose these projects without regard to health, safety and resources issues confronted in the unique areas in our Desert--which I made a public comment on. I need to figure out why the US Department of Fish and Game and BLM aren't disclosing what if any federal issues are in play. I will spearhead that inquiry if elected--by the way, Congressman Cook was not present nor anyone from his office.
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Bob Conaway on the road again (no not with Willie Nelson)....
Campaigned in Needles (on Colorado River across from Arizona). Met volunteers getting out the campaign door-to-door, putting up signs and thanked them. Went to the Needles Eagles Lodge and met Lodge Master Anderson--good time over a beer. Met Needles Mayor Paget and was later given a chance to talk with the City Council. Water levels in the Colorado are scary low. Talked with tribal reps. Met and talked with several people regarding ongoing property boundary disputes. With the drought, the Colorado River will still be a battleground for years to come. As someone familiar with federal laws & treaties, I know I am a better choice than Paul Cook--it all reaffirms my decision to run. Met Captain of Sheriff's Department in Needles--he was very uptight when I introduced myself at Needles Council Meeting--not healthy to be so wound up. San Bernardino Fire and Search and Rescue rep Dave Marshall an ok guy and comfortable talking with even a democrat or two. Leadership is still hopeful about Needles' future. Some development seems in the works from the round-about-way things are being done on easements and road improvement plans--but that was just my sense. Had diner on a patio with friends Bob & Ruth Lopez--great steak Bob! The nights this time of year are so awesome in Needles. BTW went to various spots with Ruth Lopez (candidate for 16th State Senate District), John Coffey (candidate for the 33rd Assembly District)--good fellowship with some bright people with a desire to serve their Districts!
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
A Reminder from a Veteran Campaigner.....
It was the mid 1970' ambitious Jerry Lewis was taking on Rubin Ayala...Lewis (like always) outraised his opponent and looked to be the leader. The grass roots efforts of people for all walks of life and communities led to Lewis' defeat. An encouraging parallel. Thanks Bennie!
BOB CONAWAY URGES PAUL COOK TO JOIN HIM in AGREEING to TRY & IMPLEMENT in 2015 a CPI-E COLA [Cost of Living Adjustment] for Social Security beneficiaries before going his tribal buds' Halloween Fundraiser!
This past week, the Social Security
Administration announced the cost of living adjustment (COLA) for 2014,
and it’s a measly 1.7%. In fact, the last three years, COLAs have been
below 2%. As the cost of food, utilities, housing and prescription drugs
continue to rise, 1.7% is simply not enough to keep up. But there are still those in Washington who believe this is too generous!
The people who rely most on Social Security—the elderly, disabled and veterans—spend more on health care than the general population, and those costs have been rising rapidly. That’s why Congress needs to listen to the people and implement the more generous CPI-E, which puts the cost of living formula in line with how Social Security beneficiaries actually spend their benefits.
While Paul Cook rolls into the weekend going to another tribal government sponsored fund raiser on Hallow's Eve at the Morongo Indian Casino, Bob Conaway urges Cook to spend a moment and make a commitment to implement a CPI-E based cost of living annual increase and abandon the COLA-slashing chained CPI, to help take of those veterans he claims to care about.
The people who rely most on Social Security—the elderly, disabled and veterans—spend more on health care than the general population, and those costs have been rising rapidly. That’s why Congress needs to listen to the people and implement the more generous CPI-E, which puts the cost of living formula in line with how Social Security beneficiaries actually spend their benefits.
While Paul Cook rolls into the weekend going to another tribal government sponsored fund raiser on Hallow's Eve at the Morongo Indian Casino, Bob Conaway urges Cook to spend a moment and make a commitment to implement a CPI-E based cost of living annual increase and abandon the COLA-slashing chained CPI, to help take of those veterans he claims to care about.
Bob Conaway for Congress (CA-08)
12127 Mall Blvd, Suite A-363
Victorville CA 92392
Contact No. (760) 617-8305
Contributions or gifts to Bob Conaway for Congress are not tax deductible.
Contributions from foreign nationals or corporations are prohibited.
Contributions or gifts to Bob Conaway for Congress are not tax deductible.
Contributions from foreign nationals or corporations are prohibited.
Paul Cook a No-Show Again [a Campaign Trail Update]
On Sunday, I was invited to meet, greet and say a few words at the Seal of Redemption Ministeries International in Victorville (I did not ask for votes or talk politics--but just fellowshipped with Bishop Akpabio & the attendees). I initially met with Bishop (his first name, not title) at a community forum at the Hesperia Public Library [where I met him and another Pastor (Karin Foster)]. The sense in the community is the need for trust in the messenger sent and confidence in his or her ability to report back accurately what is going on in Washington. Openness and being available to answer questions was a given. Being in support of issues important to the community and not special monied interests was a given as well. After I met with a number of people who offered to help with campaign.
On Monday I attended a candidate forum at the Barstow Senior Citizens Center. It went well. People were disappointed in Paul Cook not showing or sending a rep. Heard some City Council reps talk at the forum. A good bunch of future (and incumbent) leaders. Barstow's future seems bright with people coming forward like the group I saw. Former Mayor Dale and Councilwoman Hernandez were present in the audience who I briefly shared with.
Met with David Rosse of the National Association of Retired and Veteran Railway Employees, Inc in Barstow. Shared some concerns about recent rulings and/or actions preventing access to a Chaplin in the California State Veterans' Home in Barstow. Amazing stuff going on. I agreed to further talk with Mr. Rosse to see what could be done to get a Chaplin back in the Barstow Veterans Home to help with spiritual needs of residents.
Good feedback on my campaign's contact efforts from locals that were at the meeting.
Interesting development. Cook has a fundraiser on Halloween (out of District, of course)--why? How much money is enough (?) [and] besides, with reportedly half of the votes already in as of a week before the election, what is this latest surge of money going to go that Cook's six figure account balance could not pay for (?) unless the intent is to use this fund raiser to help retire OTHER federal campaigns' debts? Interesting how all the big gaming tribes are backing Cook again which does not make sense not only because of the unused money on hand but because the compacts are with our [California] state government, and each of the tribes are sovereign governments that don't have to deal with the feds on anything. One has to wonder what Cook has promised? Interesting to watch.
Was asked if I have anyone helping me (surrounded at the meeting by no less than a dozen volunteers for just the Barstow area)--I grinned while saying all is going well and as planned.
On Monday I attended a candidate forum at the Barstow Senior Citizens Center. It went well. People were disappointed in Paul Cook not showing or sending a rep. Heard some City Council reps talk at the forum. A good bunch of future (and incumbent) leaders. Barstow's future seems bright with people coming forward like the group I saw. Former Mayor Dale and Councilwoman Hernandez were present in the audience who I briefly shared with.
Met with David Rosse of the National Association of Retired and Veteran Railway Employees, Inc in Barstow. Shared some concerns about recent rulings and/or actions preventing access to a Chaplin in the California State Veterans' Home in Barstow. Amazing stuff going on. I agreed to further talk with Mr. Rosse to see what could be done to get a Chaplin back in the Barstow Veterans Home to help with spiritual needs of residents.
Good feedback on my campaign's contact efforts from locals that were at the meeting.
Interesting development. Cook has a fundraiser on Halloween (out of District, of course)--why? How much money is enough (?) [and] besides, with reportedly half of the votes already in as of a week before the election, what is this latest surge of money going to go that Cook's six figure account balance could not pay for (?) unless the intent is to use this fund raiser to help retire OTHER federal campaigns' debts? Interesting how all the big gaming tribes are backing Cook again which does not make sense not only because of the unused money on hand but because the compacts are with our [California] state government, and each of the tribes are sovereign governments that don't have to deal with the feds on anything. One has to wonder what Cook has promised? Interesting to watch.
Was asked if I have anyone helping me (surrounded at the meeting by no less than a dozen volunteers for just the Barstow area)--I grinned while saying all is going well and as planned.
Monday, October 20, 2014
My Reply [the closest thing to a debate on the issues possible with Paul Cook dodging forums]
[SINCE PAUL COOK WON'T ATTEND CANDIDATE FORUMS--THIS IS MY SUBSTITUTE FOR ISSUE BY ISSUE COMPARISONS--it replies to an article ( that appeared in the San Bernardino Sentinal newspaper, the link to which is above in the title]
Mark (the publisher of the San Bernardino Sentinel):
Its obvious that Paul Cook avoids the
issues, forums and debates at which the issues can be aired out. His
votes are terrible for our District!!
1. The 100,000 acres he "saved" for off-road vehicle use is illusory.
I was in 29 Palms this past Saturday talking with off roaders and they
know the truth--the Marines have the right to take it back all the land
by simply saying they need it for training. It was an illusory "save" of
the resource-- a face-saving smoke and mirror rear action;
3. The land
exchange is interesting, but the people, tribes and or agencies whose
land the federal government would be taking haven't been asked if they
are ok with it. Is this another government taking without compensation in the wind?
4. Taking
credit for reducing the deficit is funny--the sequestration did that
which had nothing to do with the current Congress; sorry Paul, don't claim credit where you did not do anything except collect your salary and send out misleading newsletters and flyers;
5. Cook's votes will INCREASE the deficit--just over time so he does not get blamed?
Cook's vote on HR 2575 will increase the Budget deficit $25.4 billion
for the period of 2015-2019 and by $73.7 billion over the 2015-2024
period according to the Congressional Budget Office & the Joint
Committee on Taxation, non partisan think tanks
(b) Cook
voted yeah on another (duplicative) "Research Tax Credit"--the problem
is that cost was not paid for by reductions in any other programs--the
effect, taxes will have to be increased to subsidize those giveaways;
Abandoning the Affordable Care Act, will INCREASE the costs of Medicare
by taking away the "Young Senior" benefits (aged 50-64), making the
people to make it to Medicare eligibility, more impacted by chronic
diseases and degenerative conditions that will not get the medical
management they would under the "Young Senior" ACA benefits;
Paul Cook's makes the claim he wants to fight for constitutional
rights--he really does not mean that when he complains he is being
"attacked" by me and Paul Hanosh--first, he dodged every forum and debate set up, so its not really clear what his positions are and how (and if) he can back them; second,
Paul needs a history lesson--in the Marines, questioning the authority
of your leaders may be an attack; in federal political elections [a new
forum for someone highly protected by the State GOP for years--maybe too
much so] we need to distinguish ourselves and be able to stand up and
defend the claims being made so the people have the basis to make an
informed choice--it's called robust debate--a constitutional principal
under the first amendment, so why is he criticizing his opponents? Does
he want everyone to get blinded by the service medals and title and,
like in the Marine Corps, just shut up?? We have not, and will not Paul
Cook. Get a backbone and just maybe if you win, you can really become
the leader in Congress you haven't been; third,
Paul voted yes to HR 3964, which strips our agencies and courts of the
review time they have always needed to look at water project
proposals--this is avoiding free speech for special interests to steal
water from farmers--with Cadiz and PG&E, don't we have enough of
that going on Paul? Opps, I forgot how Cook loves them corporations,
giving Monsanto immunity to legal actions and price fixing power over
aspects of the agricultural industry they are increasingly controlling;
7. Lowering taxes is the OPPOSITE of what he has done--consider the following:
(a). Cook voted yeah on HR 4935, bill which will take away a tax credit
of $1,725 per year FROM 5,000,000 single moms with two children and
cutting the tax credit for 6,000,000 more single moms--that is a TAX
increase Mr. Cook!
(b) HR 4935 will INCREASE the tax
credit for families with children making $150,000 per year to
$2,200-nothing like taking care of the well heeled at the expense of the
lower income families struggling
(c) Cook increased
the government guaranteed student loan interest rate--a de facto tax
hike for struggling students that we want to stay off public
8. Cook's legislative votes will take jobs away
HR 5078 & HR 3964 (which Cook voted for) will cost California
thousands of jobs per the Congressional Budget Office as it will created
penalties for employers, that they will have to pay with reduced hours/potentially layoffs and/or force fields to go fallow for new
corporate farmers, which will cause more loss in existing local jobs;
9. The lead statement in your article, if from Cook, is nothing short of amazing [Inadequate
Presidential Response Shifts the Burden to Congress]. Boehner, Cook's
boss, had roughly 93 days of session, but were paid for a year of
work--working a third of the year is hardly taking on a burden.
needs to defend his votes with something more specific than he is being
attacked. I want a chance to be a part of the solution-finding
process--not rubber-stamping failed policies and tactics.
Bob Conaway
Candidate for the 8th CD
Sunday, October 12, 2014
On English Only Surveys Candidates See this Time of Year
By the time California's first constitution was drafted in 1849, the Gold Rush had already transformed the state's Spanish-speakers into a minority (13,000 of nearly 100,000 residents). Without opposition, however, delegates to California's Constitutional convention in 1849 approved an important recognition of Spanish language rights:
"All laws, decrees, regulations, and provisions emanating from any of the three supreme powers of this State, which from their nature require publication, shall be published in English and Spanish." So it seems the tradition California's founding fathers had in 1849 a different idea [].
Mr. Ayers who represented the Los Angeles area testified in 1849 testified :"Mr. AYERS. ... In the section of the State which I represent [Los Angeles County] there are large portions of it which are entirely populated by a Spanish-American population, not a foreign population, but a population who were here before we were here, and I wish to say that almost without an exceptional instance these natives of California, who were adults at the time this State was ceded to the United States by Mexico, are still in the same condition, as far as their knowledge of English is concerned. There are but very few of them, if any, who understand our language at all, and, if I am not mistaken, in the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo there was an assurance that the natives should continue to enjoy the rights and privileges they did under their former Government, and there was an implied contract that they should be governed as they were before. It was in this spirit that the laws were printed in Spanish.
One of the other delegates [a Judge Rolfe from San Bernardino] saied, "there are townships in Southern California which are entirely Spanish, or Spanish-American. ... [I]t would be wrong, it seems to me, for this Convention to prevent these people from transacting their local business in their own language. It does no harm to Americans, and I think they should be permitted to do so... .This is not a question of demagogism, or partisanism; it is a question of right. Now, I know that in Southern California there are districts and communities that are so entirely Spanish that if you deprive them of the right to continue their proceedings in Justices' Courts in Spanish, you will deprive them of justice".
See also:
Kinda suggests the Spanish language is part of the fabric of what California was founded on?? It seems if Ayers is right, then to impose in the acquired territories under that Treaty an English Only rule, would violate that law??
What says you??
Taking this further, are we denying as Ayers suggests, depriving the Spanish speaking only population of justice by English only courtrooms?
"All laws, decrees, regulations, and provisions emanating from any of the three supreme powers of this State, which from their nature require publication, shall be published in English and Spanish." So it seems the tradition California's founding fathers had in 1849 a different idea [].
Mr. Ayers who represented the Los Angeles area testified in 1849 testified :"Mr. AYERS. ... In the section of the State which I represent [Los Angeles County] there are large portions of it which are entirely populated by a Spanish-American population, not a foreign population, but a population who were here before we were here, and I wish to say that almost without an exceptional instance these natives of California, who were adults at the time this State was ceded to the United States by Mexico, are still in the same condition, as far as their knowledge of English is concerned. There are but very few of them, if any, who understand our language at all, and, if I am not mistaken, in the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo there was an assurance that the natives should continue to enjoy the rights and privileges they did under their former Government, and there was an implied contract that they should be governed as they were before. It was in this spirit that the laws were printed in Spanish.
One of the other delegates [a Judge Rolfe from San Bernardino] saied, "there are townships in Southern California which are entirely Spanish, or Spanish-American. ... [I]t would be wrong, it seems to me, for this Convention to prevent these people from transacting their local business in their own language. It does no harm to Americans, and I think they should be permitted to do so... .This is not a question of demagogism, or partisanism; it is a question of right. Now, I know that in Southern California there are districts and communities that are so entirely Spanish that if you deprive them of the right to continue their proceedings in Justices' Courts in Spanish, you will deprive them of justice".
See also:
Kinda suggests the Spanish language is part of the fabric of what California was founded on?? It seems if Ayers is right, then to impose in the acquired territories under that Treaty an English Only rule, would violate that law??
What says you??
Taking this further, are we denying as Ayers suggests, depriving the Spanish speaking only population of justice by English only courtrooms?
Friday, October 10, 2014
Campaign rumblings
Went to forum @ Immanuel Baptist Church on October 9th in Highland, CA hosted by Immanuel Baptist Church’s Salt and Light Ministry .
It was well run, video-ed and of course, who do ya think did not show?
Paul Cook. The organizers kept telling me they asked for Cook to come
and could not apparently get a commitment to even have a surrogate sent
as was the case with another candidate. Three videos were being shot.
When I get the links, I will post but its probably up by the time you
read this at the Immanuel Baptist Church (Highland, CA) website. Going to 2nd interview with Sun later day. Walking precincts in Barstow tomorrow.
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Our Social Security
system is under
attack by its enemies. Paul Ryan, the spritual guru for the Republican
leadership in Congress has a plan which Paul Cook has not condemned as Bob Conaway urges he should. What is the Paul Ryan's
plan that Paul Cook has been unwilling to condemn?
Source: http://www. ryan. It is easy to see the attacks on our benefits,
but they also attack our earned benefits by dismantling Social
Security's infrastructure and services, consisting of closing 80 Social Security field offices and 500 contact stations.
House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan's latest "Path to Prosperity" budget includes deep cuts to the social safety net, including Medicare, Medicaid and food stamps, as well as a tax reform plan that should have the 1 percent and multinational corporations jumping for joy.
According to the latest numbers, the program can pay full benefits until 2033, and close to full benefits for decades after that, with literally no changes at all. One simple tweak – eliminating the cap on the payroll tax, which currently exempts any income above $117,000 – ensures the program's solvency for 75 years. So any talk of radical Social Security changes should be prefaced with an explanation of why such changes are necessary.
Source: Security Goal |
Ryan's Plan |
Do not privatize Social Security |
Do not cut benefits |
Do not raise the retirement age |
Source: http://www.
House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan's latest "Path to Prosperity" budget includes deep cuts to the social safety net, including Medicare, Medicaid and food stamps, as well as a tax reform plan that should have the 1 percent and multinational corporations jumping for joy.
According to the latest numbers, the program can pay full benefits until 2033, and close to full benefits for decades after that, with literally no changes at all. One simple tweak – eliminating the cap on the payroll tax, which currently exempts any income above $117,000 – ensures the program's solvency for 75 years. So any talk of radical Social Security changes should be prefaced with an explanation of why such changes are necessary.
Bob Conaway states: "PAUL COOK needs to tell us what his intentions are about supporting Paul Ryan's 'Path to Prosperity Plans'. I will oppose such reckless plans based upon false premises."
Bob Conaway for Congress (CA-08)
12127 Mall Blvd, Suite A-363
Victorville CA 92392
Contact No. (760) 617-8305
Contributions or gifts to Bob Conaway for Congress are not tax deductible.
Contributions from foreign nationals or corporations are prohibited.
Contributions or gifts to Bob Conaway for Congress are not tax deductible.
Contributions from foreign nationals or corporations are prohibited.
Congressional Candidate Bob Conaway Receives American Bar Association Honor
The Dispute Resolution Committee of the Business Law Section has the announced addition of Bob Conaway [a candidate for Congress in California's 8th Congressional District], which Bob describes as "a great honor and further opportunity to serve" . Bob further stated "one of the reasons I am running for Congress is because I believe that my nearly 30 years of service as a pro bono mediator, arbitrator, temporary judge and special master could help be the difference, whatever the party composition in Congress, to moving forward legislation needed. The People deserve progress, not gridlock. I know I can help bring people together in Congress. I have brought people together in mediations & arbitrations who did not just dislike and mistrust one another, but in some instances outright hated each other--a skill Congress regrettably needs".
Monday, October 6, 2014
The "Health Exchange Security and Transparency Act of 2014" which Paul Cook recently sent out a news memo on, is far from "transparent", is discriminatory & will drive up medical costs.
The "Health Exchange Security and Transparency Act of 2014" which Paul Cook recently sent out a news memo, on is far from "transparent", is discriminatory & will drive up medical costs.
1. Paul Cook's H.R. 3811 (he claims to be a co-sponsor) singles out insurance exchanges and ignores insurance companies and others who store far more personal consumer data--more class discrimination for his corporate sponsors--Paul Cook would let the insurance company giants like Blue Cross, Anthem, Aetna (to name a few) and their data managers off the hook under this deceptive bill. Besides, if data security was something current protective & enforcement mechanisms could not handle, why aren't private insurers being subject to the same new proposed regulation?
2. HR 3811 would needlessly increase paperwork and costs that do not improve the safety or security of personally-identifiable information in the Health Insurance Market Marketplaces & may interfere with law enforcement investigation of any breach of confidential databases. "For example, the indiscriminate reporting requirement in H.R. 3811 may seriously impede the law enforcement investigation of a breach. is subject to strict security standards, is constantly monitored and tested, and applies security and privacy protections that go beyond federal IT standards. The data breach was contained and there is no evidence of any injury or loss to citizens. Data privacy and security are key issues that the Committee has addressed on a bipartisan basis in the past" per the State of Administration Policy on HR 3811 [See for further information:].
Bob Conaway says, "Cook's vote poisons the well on what transparency means and is another example of his commitment to corporate giveaways and favoritism by using misleading titles to bills and media releases".
Bob Conaway for Congress (CA-08)
12127 Mall Blvd, Suite A-363
Victorville CA 92392
Contact No. (760) 617-8305
Contributions or gifts to Bob Conaway for Congress are not tax deductible.
Contributions from foreign nationals or corporations are prohibited.
Contributions or gifts to Bob Conaway for Congress are not tax deductible.
Contributions from foreign nationals or corporations are prohibited.

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