The "Health Exchange Security and Transparency Act of 2014" which Paul Cook recently sent out a news memo, on is far from "transparent", is discriminatory & will drive up medical costs.
1. Paul Cook's H.R. 3811 (he claims to be a co-sponsor) singles out insurance exchanges and ignores insurance companies and others who store far more personal consumer data--more class discrimination for his corporate sponsors--Paul Cook would let the insurance company giants like Blue Cross, Anthem, Aetna (to name a few) and their data managers off the hook under this deceptive bill. Besides, if data security was something current protective & enforcement mechanisms could not handle, why aren't private insurers being subject to the same new proposed regulation?
2. HR 3811 would needlessly increase paperwork and costs that do not improve the safety or security of personally-identifiable information in the Health Insurance Market Marketplaces & may interfere with law enforcement investigation of any breach of confidential databases. "For example, the indiscriminate reporting requirement in H.R. 3811 may seriously impede the law enforcement investigation of a breach. is subject to strict security standards, is constantly monitored and tested, and applies security and privacy protections that go beyond federal IT standards. The data breach was contained and there is no evidence of any injury or loss to citizens. Data privacy and security are key issues that the Committee has addressed on a bipartisan basis in the past" per the State of Administration Policy on HR 3811 [See for further information:].
Bob Conaway says, "Cook's vote poisons the well on what transparency means and is another example of his commitment to corporate giveaways and favoritism by using misleading titles to bills and media releases".
Bob Conaway for Congress (CA-08)
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