HR 5573 [called a bill To Establish the Alabama Hills National Scenic Area in the State of California and for other purposes"] introduced by Paul Cook, is on its face an environmentally friendly bill--but like so many of Cook's votes, closer scrutiny suggests something else is afoot.
What are the "OTHER PURPOSES"?
Why does he have no co-sponsors?
Putting aside the fact the bill won't pass in this session
due to it being introduced so late by Paul Cook is question of why HR 5573 was not
referred to the second of the two required committees as set forth in the language of HR 5573?
The OTHER required
committee H5573 has to go through is the Committee on Energy and Natural
Resources. This apparently "green" bill under section 2 "m" sets into
stone mining and mineral rights previously deemed "valid" and any mining
or mineral rights claimed and deemed "valid" BEFORE the law gets enacted.
with this bill, the rush could be on to expeditiously start mining and mineral
extraction in the Alabama's. It in effect appears to give mining and mineral extraction folks a period within which to develop the very sort of burden on the resource the average person would think the bill prevents.
This bill is not going to pass until
Cook's mining and or mineral buds get their operations underway and the Committee on Energy and Natural
Resources gives its blessing. This
bill bombproofs those late appearing mineral and mining interest and gives them a way to come in and avoid environmental agency stoppage, even if it's in the
middle of the Scenic area. The very fact HR 5573 was NOT referred to
the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources yet shows that Cook's
mining and mineral extraction buds haven't gotten their operations
underway (yet).
Stay tuned for the unfolding of the deception.
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Paul Cook's "Child Tax Credit" bill vote [HR4935] will cost add $100 billion to our national deficit while increasing taxes paid by 11 million lower income families so well heeled families earning over $150,000 net can have a bigger tax credit-Say What?
Bob Conaway (candidate for Congress -CA-08) joins the Administration [ sites/default/files/omb/ legislative/sap/113/ saphr4935h_20140724.pdf] in opposing H.R. 4935 (mislabeled as a Child Tax Credit bill).
HR 4935 would add nearly $100 billion to deficits over 10 years to
expand the Child Tax Credit to benefit households with net incomes over
$150,000, while slashing or eliminating benefits for lower income
working families. HR 4935 effectively
eliminates the Child Tax Credit for 5 million families, while cutting
for 6 million more. A single parent with two children working
at minimum wage would lose her entire tax credit of $1,725.
Meanwhile, a couple with two children with income of $150,000 would receive a Child Tax Credit $2,200 larger than today. After 2017, H.R. 4935 would eliminate the Child Tax Credit for millions of American children whose parents immigrated to this country, including U.S. citizen children and“Dreamers,” and would push many of these children into or deeper into poverty.
Second, while Bob Conaway and the Administration strongly support tax relief for working and middle-class families, H.R.
Meanwhile, a couple with two children with income of $150,000 would receive a Child Tax Credit $2,200 larger than today. After 2017, H.R. 4935 would eliminate the Child Tax Credit for millions of American children whose parents immigrated to this country, including U.S. citizen children and“Dreamers,” and would push many of these children into or deeper into poverty.
Second, while Bob Conaway and the Administration strongly support tax relief for working and middle-class families, H.R.
by eliminating the tax credit for working families with children, is in
effect raising taxes for those millions of struggling working families,
a struggle Cook does not care about.
Solution: If Paul Cook wants to show he and his buds are serious about helping working families through the Child Tax Credit, they should start by extending the current provisions past 2017.
Solution: If Paul Cook wants to show he and his buds are serious about helping working families through the Child Tax Credit, they should start by extending the current provisions past 2017.
popular programs to bury tax increases to the lower income working
families will become law if the Republicans retain the House and win the
Senate. Voting on November 4, 2014 will add your views to the public
policy dialogue.
Bob Conaway for Congress (CA-08)
12127 Mall Blvd, Suite A-363
Victorville CA 92392
Contact No. (760) 617-8305
Contributions or gifts to Bob Conaway for Congress are not tax deductible.
Contributions from foreign nationals or corporations are prohibited.
Contributions or gifts to Bob Conaway for Congress are not tax deductible.
Contributions from foreign nationals or corporations are prohibited.
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
If Congress doesn’t act, this will be the first election in 50 years without critical protections from the Voting Rights Act. For Bob Conaway, Candidate in the 8th Congressional District, the right to vote is precious… even sacred.
Sitting Congressman John Lewis in 1963 marched on Washington with Martin Luther King for the right to vote. In 1965, John Lewis gave a little blood on a bridge in Selma, Alabama for the right to vote. Folks marched for this. Folks fought for this. And some even died for the right to vote.
But today, the vital protections in the Voting Rights Act have been gutted by conservative Justices on the Supreme Court.
Will you stand with me to demand basic voter protections be reinstated?
Bob Conaway
Bob Conaway for Congress (CA-08)
12127 Mall Blvd, Suite A-363
Victorville CA 92392
Contact No. (760) 617-8305
Contributions or gifts to Bob Conaway for Congress are not tax deductible.
Contributions from foreign nationals or corporations are prohibited.
Contributions or gifts to Bob Conaway for Congress are not tax deductible.
Contributions from foreign nationals or corporations are prohibited.

Monday, September 22, 2014
Bank Funding is More Important to Funding the Ebola Fight Adequately is What Paul Cook is All About
Paul Cook voted to pass a joint resolution [the "Fiscal 2015 Continuing Resolution"]
that would provide funding for
federal government operations until Dec. 11, 2014, at an annualized rate
of $1.012 trillion. The Budget provides a mere $88 million for
government efforts
to fight the Ebola virus when the United Nations said they needed $1
billion from the US to contain. This is a pandemnic potential not unlke
the Black Plague which wiped out hundreds of millions. Paul Cook does
not understand the global risk and joins his leadership in voting for a
budget that does not protect Americans while supporting tax cuts to
corporations throughout the year and in the same Fiscal 2015 Continuing Resolution extending the Export-Import Bank's operating authority through June 30, 2015, which if he did not it figure out, was beyond his current term in congress--kinda like creating debt for someone after your authority to approve appropriation passes?
Bob Conaway says "This is scarey budget politics--banking power is more important that knocking down a disease that could ravage Americans? I guess banks are more important than the lives of US citizens to Paul Cook. Does he really think the disease can be contained with such a superficial commitment to a potential pandemic? Outbreaks need to be contained at historical and geographic pinchpoints. To be cheap on the effort increases the risk of a break out. Shame on Cook for playing with the public's health protection!"
Bob Conaway says "This is scarey budget politics--banking power is more important that knocking down a disease that could ravage Americans? I guess banks are more important than the lives of US citizens to Paul Cook. Does he really think the disease can be contained with such a superficial commitment to a potential pandemic? Outbreaks need to be contained at historical and geographic pinchpoints. To be cheap on the effort increases the risk of a break out. Shame on Cook for playing with the public's health protection!"
Bob Conaway for Congress (CA-08)
12127 Mall Blvd, Suite A-363
Victorville CA 92392
Contact No. (760) 617-8305
Contributions or gifts to Bob Conaway for Congress are not tax deductible.
Contributions from foreign nationals or corporations are prohibited.
Contributions or gifts to Bob Conaway for Congress are not tax deductible.
Contributions from foreign nationals or corporations are prohibited.
Bob Conaway Urges Paul Cook to Seek Emergency Funding of the Ebola fight before it "Comes to America" and kills people on Main Street
The Ebola crisis in West Africa is a horrifying humanitarian catastrophe, regrettably being ignored by Congress and the media (to date) apart from sending over a handful of military personnel (to observe and report), an approach which seems to ignore the fact Ebola is not stopped by guns or soldiers like a human enemy. Ebola which is no less an enemy, only needs to catch a single plane flight to cause far more terror and devastation
than a handful of terrorists ever could.
The United Nations which is taking the lead says that it needs $1 billion to contain the disaster.
To put the request for mutual aide in context, the United States is spending $7.5 million dollars a day to support military operations in Iraq, at an annual cost of $2.7 billion per year. One expert says that ramped-up air operations (which might be asked for) could take our costs up to $100 million to $200 million a week, or $5 to $10 billion a year but even that only accounts for air strikes in Iraq. Another expert points out that if our reach expands by engaging in air attacks in Syria, say, or paying other countries to join us, we could easily get up to a price tag of $15 to $20 billion per year, for what may be a multi-year venture.
But even if one is of the opinion that we must spare no expense in stopping ISIS, there's no reason why we can't also focus on halting the spread of Ebola.
Bob Conaway, Candidate for Congress in the 8th Congressional District says:
"We owe it to our fellow human beings to help them in a time of desperate need, and it's also just good sense to take preventive action that could protect this country, too. It's long past time for the West to act and put a stop to this dread virus, and it's long past time for the United States to lead, so I ask, I implore, Paul Cook to ask for an emergency session of Congress to vote on funding the Ebola fight and protect us against a very real threat to our shores and Main Streets across America".
The United Nations which is taking the lead says that it needs $1 billion to contain the disaster.
To put the request for mutual aide in context, the United States is spending $7.5 million dollars a day to support military operations in Iraq, at an annual cost of $2.7 billion per year. One expert says that ramped-up air operations (which might be asked for) could take our costs up to $100 million to $200 million a week, or $5 to $10 billion a year but even that only accounts for air strikes in Iraq. Another expert points out that if our reach expands by engaging in air attacks in Syria, say, or paying other countries to join us, we could easily get up to a price tag of $15 to $20 billion per year, for what may be a multi-year venture.
But even if one is of the opinion that we must spare no expense in stopping ISIS, there's no reason why we can't also focus on halting the spread of Ebola.
Bob Conaway, Candidate for Congress in the 8th Congressional District says:
"We owe it to our fellow human beings to help them in a time of desperate need, and it's also just good sense to take preventive action that could protect this country, too. It's long past time for the West to act and put a stop to this dread virus, and it's long past time for the United States to lead, so I ask, I implore, Paul Cook to ask for an emergency session of Congress to vote on funding the Ebola fight and protect us against a very real threat to our shores and Main Streets across America".
Friday, September 19, 2014
Why John Coffey is the Best Choice for Assembly in 2014
At a debate between John Coffey (D-Newberry Springs) and Jay Obernolte (R-Big Bear) this evening [both are the final 2 facing off on November 4, 2014 for the 33rd District Assembly District in California], I heard from Republican Jay Obernolte how California's business unfriendly government policies are chasing out business and jobs in response to a question about a Chinese aluminum smelter business not locating in Barstow--maybe he needs to test fewer of his pinball games and come down from the Mountains once in a while and check his facts:
1. California's economic growth is one of the highest!!
According to USA Today U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) grew by 2.5% in 2012 after growing 1.6% in 2011, the most the economy has grown since 2006. Nationally, manufacturing, trade and the finance and insurance industry made some of the biggest contributions to growth. While the national economy grew, some of the country's largest state economies, including California and Texas, increased at an even faster rate. Source: for Obernolte
2. Obernolte claims to be a UCLA grad--too bad he did not read the LA Times (probably too liberal for him) before the debate. A UCLA economist (quoted in the LA Times) reported that "job growth in much of California has outpaced the national average over the last year, signaling a continued economic rebound for the state in the coming years, according to the quarterly UCLA Anderson Forecast released Thursday "(yesterday)-opps for Obernolte
3. Litigation rates in California is one of the lowest; Obernolte should take a look at the numbers from the California court system, which recently issued its 2012 Court Statistics Report, including even more recent data for the 2010-11 fiscal year. On page 96 of that PDF (page 83 of the report) are numbers for civil case filings in each of the last 10 fiscal years, showing not only a drop from FY 09 to FY 10 but a further drop in FY 11. The number of civil filings in 2010-11 was 11.6% less than the number of filings in 2008-09, which was the high point of the 10-year period. What was that about the trend of litigation in California?
Here’s something else from that 2010 National Center for State Courts report that flies in the face of the corporate lobby’s contention that California is somehow an overly litigious state. There’s a table on page 9 of the PDF of the report ranking 29 states and the District of Columbia by number of civil suits filed per capita in 2010. California ranks 28th of the 30 jurisdictions and was 38% below the median for the group. Yes, California has a lot of civil lawsuits (although many fewer than New York or Florida). It also has by far the largest population.
The NCSC report goes on to show that the civil court dockets in many states are dominated by corporate plaintiffs. In the 17 states that maintain adequate records (California is not one of them), 61% of their civil cases in 2010 were contract cases, typically filed by businesses and often against other businesses. Tort cases, including those typically filed by consumers such as personal injury, wrongful death and medical malpractice, made up just 6% of those states’ civil caseloads in 2010.
Remember, when the corporate lobby complains about “too many lawsuits,” they’re not complaining about the number of suits they file. They’re complaining about being held accountable in the civil justice system by consumers. And your suits require court time and resources that could be spent on their suits.
4. The Chinese business was a huge problem from the gitgo; we are in drought conditions and a smelting operation needs lots of water and the air quality in the area is so bad (from the transportation corridor usage, sludge to composting operations and high winds that carry pm 2.5 particles putting at risk children and the elderly), that the additional burden could have just plain killed a lot of people. Monthly the newspaper publishes a Prop 65 warning about the air being so bad.
Bottom line: It seems these days that the only way conservative republicans can win on the economy is to be real dumb or out-and-out lie ]oh yeah---Coffey won and we would be fortunate to have him serve the 33rd Assembly District in California).
1. California's economic growth is one of the highest!!
According to USA Today U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) grew by 2.5% in 2012 after growing 1.6% in 2011, the most the economy has grown since 2006. Nationally, manufacturing, trade and the finance and insurance industry made some of the biggest contributions to growth. While the national economy grew, some of the country's largest state economies, including California and Texas, increased at an even faster rate. Source: for Obernolte
2. Obernolte claims to be a UCLA grad--too bad he did not read the LA Times (probably too liberal for him) before the debate. A UCLA economist (quoted in the LA Times) reported that "job growth in much of California has outpaced the national average over the last year, signaling a continued economic rebound for the state in the coming years, according to the quarterly UCLA Anderson Forecast released Thursday "(yesterday)-opps for Obernolte
3. Litigation rates in California is one of the lowest; Obernolte should take a look at the numbers from the California court system, which recently issued its 2012 Court Statistics Report, including even more recent data for the 2010-11 fiscal year. On page 96 of that PDF (page 83 of the report) are numbers for civil case filings in each of the last 10 fiscal years, showing not only a drop from FY 09 to FY 10 but a further drop in FY 11. The number of civil filings in 2010-11 was 11.6% less than the number of filings in 2008-09, which was the high point of the 10-year period. What was that about the trend of litigation in California?
Here’s something else from that 2010 National Center for State Courts report that flies in the face of the corporate lobby’s contention that California is somehow an overly litigious state. There’s a table on page 9 of the PDF of the report ranking 29 states and the District of Columbia by number of civil suits filed per capita in 2010. California ranks 28th of the 30 jurisdictions and was 38% below the median for the group. Yes, California has a lot of civil lawsuits (although many fewer than New York or Florida). It also has by far the largest population.
The NCSC report goes on to show that the civil court dockets in many states are dominated by corporate plaintiffs. In the 17 states that maintain adequate records (California is not one of them), 61% of their civil cases in 2010 were contract cases, typically filed by businesses and often against other businesses. Tort cases, including those typically filed by consumers such as personal injury, wrongful death and medical malpractice, made up just 6% of those states’ civil caseloads in 2010.
Remember, when the corporate lobby complains about “too many lawsuits,” they’re not complaining about the number of suits they file. They’re complaining about being held accountable in the civil justice system by consumers. And your suits require court time and resources that could be spent on their suits.
4. The Chinese business was a huge problem from the gitgo; we are in drought conditions and a smelting operation needs lots of water and the air quality in the area is so bad (from the transportation corridor usage, sludge to composting operations and high winds that carry pm 2.5 particles putting at risk children and the elderly), that the additional burden could have just plain killed a lot of people. Monthly the newspaper publishes a Prop 65 warning about the air being so bad.
Bottom line: It seems these days that the only way conservative republicans can win on the economy is to be real dumb or out-and-out lie ]oh yeah---Coffey won and we would be fortunate to have him serve the 33rd Assembly District in California).
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Bob Conaway Urges Paul Cook to Join Him in telling the Nuclear Regulatory Commission: Shut down the dangerous Diablo Canyon nuclear plant.
In the wake of a 6.0 magnitude earthquake near Napa, a shocking new
report from a federal nuclear
safety official raises the prospect that PG&E's Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant could face catastrophic failure when the next big earthquake hits, and recommends that it be shut down.1
The report, authored by a former lead on-site inspector, flatly refutes PG&E's claim that the plant's two reactors can withstand an earthquake like the one that rattled northern California just a few weeks ago.2 Incredibly, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission is trusting PG&E's internal assessment of the danger of continuing to run the plant, despite the clear conflict of interest. With half a million people living within 50 miles of this disaster waiting to happen, the Diablo Canyon plant needs to be shut down now.
Tell the Nuclear Regulatory Commission: Shut down the dangerous Diablo Canyon nuclear plant. Click here to sign the petition.
The engineers who designed the coastal nuclear plant at Fukushima believed it could withstand any disaster imaginable before a massive earthquake and tsunami struck in 2011 and caused a major catastrophe.
PG&E's engineers similarly claim that the Diablo Canyon nuclear plant can withstand any (?) anticipated earthquake. Aside from the arrogance of concluding structural strength and containment capacity that has never been tested by an earthquake of even what hit San Francisco over a hundred years ago (much less what his Chile recently), the plant was built long before a major fault line was discovered in 2008 -- just a few hundred yards offshore from the coastal nuclear plant. The plant also sits nearby the Los Osos, Hosgri, and San Andreas Faults, a confluence of seismic features with dramatic potential activity that could overcome the plant’s outdated and inadequate safety design features.3
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has the power to revoke PG&E’s license to operate the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant -- and that's exactly what it needs to do.
Urge Paul Cook to join Bob Conaway and tell the Nuclear Regulatory Commission: Shut down the dangerous Diablo Canyon nuclear plant. The fallout could poison our environment for a 1,000 years.
You can further express your personal support by clicking the link below to sign the petition: sign/diablo_canyon?t=5&akid= 11681.2791043.UZW4Cc
1. "AP Exclusive: Expert calls for Diablo Canyon shutdown," Associated Press, August, 25, 2014.
2. To download the full report, click here (PDF).
3. "Petition seeks closure of Diablo Canyon nuclear plant," San Francisco Chronicle, August 27, 2014.
safety official raises the prospect that PG&E's Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant could face catastrophic failure when the next big earthquake hits, and recommends that it be shut down.1
The report, authored by a former lead on-site inspector, flatly refutes PG&E's claim that the plant's two reactors can withstand an earthquake like the one that rattled northern California just a few weeks ago.2 Incredibly, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission is trusting PG&E's internal assessment of the danger of continuing to run the plant, despite the clear conflict of interest. With half a million people living within 50 miles of this disaster waiting to happen, the Diablo Canyon plant needs to be shut down now.
Tell the Nuclear Regulatory Commission: Shut down the dangerous Diablo Canyon nuclear plant. Click here to sign the petition.
The engineers who designed the coastal nuclear plant at Fukushima believed it could withstand any disaster imaginable before a massive earthquake and tsunami struck in 2011 and caused a major catastrophe.
PG&E's engineers similarly claim that the Diablo Canyon nuclear plant can withstand any (?) anticipated earthquake. Aside from the arrogance of concluding structural strength and containment capacity that has never been tested by an earthquake of even what hit San Francisco over a hundred years ago (much less what his Chile recently), the plant was built long before a major fault line was discovered in 2008 -- just a few hundred yards offshore from the coastal nuclear plant. The plant also sits nearby the Los Osos, Hosgri, and San Andreas Faults, a confluence of seismic features with dramatic potential activity that could overcome the plant’s outdated and inadequate safety design features.3
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has the power to revoke PG&E’s license to operate the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant -- and that's exactly what it needs to do.
Urge Paul Cook to join Bob Conaway and tell the Nuclear Regulatory Commission: Shut down the dangerous Diablo Canyon nuclear plant. The fallout could poison our environment for a 1,000 years.
You can further express your personal support by clicking the link below to sign the petition:
1. "AP Exclusive: Expert calls for Diablo Canyon shutdown," Associated Press, August, 25, 2014.
2. To download the full report, click here (PDF).
3. "Petition seeks closure of Diablo Canyon nuclear plant," San Francisco Chronicle, August 27, 2014.
Bob Conaway for Congress (CA-08)
12127 Mall Blvd, Suite A-363
Victorville CA 92392
Contact No. (760) 617-8305
Contributions or gifts to Bob Conaway for Congress are not tax deductible.
Contributions from foreign nationals or corporations are prohibited.
Contributions or gifts to Bob Conaway for Congress are not tax deductible.
Contributions from foreign nationals or corporations are prohibited.

Monday, September 15, 2014
Paul Cook's "Yeah" Vote on HR 5078 Will Endanger Public Waters & Blocks Rulemaking Efforts to Protect Our Public Waters by Non-Partisan Professionals
On September 9, the US House of Representatives voted 262 to 152 to approve HR 5078 as an attempt to block the Clean Water Act protection rule-making underway by the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).
Bob Conaway says that "Paul Cook (CA-08) should have known that his 'yeah' vote on H.R. 5078 is bad news for clean water nationally and especially so for people in the 8th District, whose fragile Desert Valley and Mountain areas are in need of protection. The proposed rule the Army Corps and EPA was working on was consistent with the Supreme Court's narrower reading of where the Act applies, which includes wetlands with a hydrologic connection to rivers and streams (like the Colorado, Owens and Santa Ana Rivers), including those rivers and streams that flow seasonally (like the Mojave River) [see &]. HR 5078 is one of many roadblocks opponents of the Clean Water Act protection rule (also called Waters of the U.S. rule) are throwing up. The proposed rule making which HR 5078 & Cook's vote seeks to stop, provided clarification about which waters the Clean Water Act applies to, and contrary to the shrill voices in the Boehner camp, did not protect any new types of waters".
Bob further says: " One has to wonder about Paul Cook and free speech--the rule making process INVOLVES the public and various stakeholders--what is he and his corporate minions scared about coming out of the rule making process. Paul Cook voted to stop current rulemaking (one has to wonder if he is afraid of intelligent professionals talking about what's good for Americans) & voted to prohibit the EPA and the Corps from developing any future rulemakings or basing implementation of the law on similar rules or guidance".
Bob Conaway says that "Paul Cook (CA-08) should have known that his 'yeah' vote on H.R. 5078 is bad news for clean water nationally and especially so for people in the 8th District, whose fragile Desert Valley and Mountain areas are in need of protection. The proposed rule the Army Corps and EPA was working on was consistent with the Supreme Court's narrower reading of where the Act applies, which includes wetlands with a hydrologic connection to rivers and streams (like the Colorado, Owens and Santa Ana Rivers), including those rivers and streams that flow seasonally (like the Mojave River) [see &]. HR 5078 is one of many roadblocks opponents of the Clean Water Act protection rule (also called Waters of the U.S. rule) are throwing up. The proposed rule making which HR 5078 & Cook's vote seeks to stop, provided clarification about which waters the Clean Water Act applies to, and contrary to the shrill voices in the Boehner camp, did not protect any new types of waters".
Bob further says: " One has to wonder about Paul Cook and free speech--the rule making process INVOLVES the public and various stakeholders--what is he and his corporate minions scared about coming out of the rule making process. Paul Cook voted to stop current rulemaking (one has to wonder if he is afraid of intelligent professionals talking about what's good for Americans) & voted to prohibit the EPA and the Corps from developing any future rulemakings or basing implementation of the law on similar rules or guidance".
Bob Conaway for Congress (CA-08)
12127 Mall Blvd, Suite A-363
Victorville CA 92392
Contact No. (760) 617-8305
Contributions or gifts to Bob Conaway for Congress are not tax deductible.
Contributions from foreign nationals or corporations are prohibited.
Contributions or gifts to Bob Conaway for Congress are not tax deductible.
Contributions from foreign nationals or corporations are prohibited.
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Cook Voted to Increase Interest Rates on Student Loans & Reject a 2016 minimum wage increase while collecting his salary increase
On Paul Cook, some interesting tidbits @
The site shows that:
(1) Cook voted to oppose increasing the minimum wage to $10.16 per hour by 2016 (while he gets his automatic pay increase as a result of a bill cosponsored by his mentor and campaign advisor, Jerry Lewis),
(2) Cook voted to give Monsanto protection so they can dominate the market and charge unreasonable fees for their products without fear of liability suits, and
(3) Cook voted to increase the interest rate on student loans to 3.4%... so in this snippet on one site, he protects profiteering by Monsanto, screws the production workers working semi-skilled and unskilled jobs while increasing the cost of getting an education for people trying to climb out of the minimum wage trap jobs--what an elitist hypocrite!
Bob's view? Student loan interest rates should not be hiked at all, minimum wage (which most college students earn while earning a degree, if they are able to get a job) should be increased, especially since the loan costs are going up. Monsanto is using the government to secure market control and immunity to being held accountable. Sad man who apparently hates our young men and women just trying to survive while getting ahead, but collects his raise despite getting little done (except for large corporations).
(1) Cook voted to oppose increasing the minimum wage to $10.16 per hour by 2016 (while he gets his automatic pay increase as a result of a bill cosponsored by his mentor and campaign advisor, Jerry Lewis),
(2) Cook voted to give Monsanto protection so they can dominate the market and charge unreasonable fees for their products without fear of liability suits, and
(3) Cook voted to increase the interest rate on student loans to 3.4%... so in this snippet on one site, he protects profiteering by Monsanto, screws the production workers working semi-skilled and unskilled jobs while increasing the cost of getting an education for people trying to climb out of the minimum wage trap jobs--what an elitist hypocrite!
Bob's view? Student loan interest rates should not be hiked at all, minimum wage (which most college students earn while earning a degree, if they are able to get a job) should be increased, especially since the loan costs are going up. Monsanto is using the government to secure market control and immunity to being held accountable. Sad man who apparently hates our young men and women just trying to survive while getting ahead, but collects his raise despite getting little done (except for large corporations).
Saturday, September 13, 2014
Bob Conaway, a candidate for Congress in California's 8th
Congressional District and the National Committee to Preserve Social
Security and Medicare oppose H.R. 3522 [misnamed by the Congressional
Republicans the "Employee Health Care Protection Act". --Mr.
Entitlement (Paul Cook) of course voted for it. Bob Conaway would not
have. Exactly what will HR 3522 mean to the people in the 8th
Congressional District?
1. HR 3522 allows health insurers to continue offering coverage outside of the insurance marketplaces established by the health law even if those plans do not comply with its coverage requirements.
2. HR 3522 allowed inferior plans can now discriminate against people with pre-existing conditions, would force women to pay more tha
3. H.R. 3522 undercuts the ability of the marketplace insurance plans to offer affordable health coverage because younger and healthier individuals would tend to enroll in the substandard plans preserved by HR 3522. Consequently, older and sicker individuals would remain in the comprehensive plans that meet the health law's coverage requirements. As a result of this adverse selection, insurance premiums would rise for those plans with sicker and/or older Americans, which would make coverage less affordable and increase the number of uninsured or force these Americans to join these substandard plans as well.
4.Under HR 3522, the number of uninsured young seniors would increase and be less healthy by the time they became eligible for Medicare - thereby increasing Medicare's costs.One of the benefits of the Affordable Care Act is that more "young seniors," aged 50-64, are receiving health care before they become eligible for Medicare
Does Cook bother to look at the people in this District--a lot of retirees, single moms, students and aging work force folks that can't afford the hit of discriminatory underwriting, hikes in premiums and reduced coverage that HR 3522 bring. Heh maybe Cook looks at it this way, he's got his Tri-Care, his Medicare if he needs it and what Congress pays for and us little folks are SOL?
1. HR 3522 allows health insurers to continue offering coverage outside of the insurance marketplaces established by the health law even if those plans do not comply with its coverage requirements.
2. HR 3522 allowed inferior plans can now discriminate against people with pre-existing conditions, would force women to pay more tha
3. H.R. 3522 undercuts the ability of the marketplace insurance plans to offer affordable health coverage because younger and healthier individuals would tend to enroll in the substandard plans preserved by HR 3522. Consequently, older and sicker individuals would remain in the comprehensive plans that meet the health law's coverage requirements. As a result of this adverse selection, insurance premiums would rise for those plans with sicker and/or older Americans, which would make coverage less affordable and increase the number of uninsured or force these Americans to join these substandard plans as well.
4.Under HR 3522, the number of uninsured young seniors would increase and be less healthy by the time they became eligible for Medicare - thereby increasing Medicare's costs.One of the benefits of the Affordable Care Act is that more "young seniors," aged 50-64, are receiving health care before they become eligible for Medicare
Does Cook bother to look at the people in this District--a lot of retirees, single moms, students and aging work force folks that can't afford the hit of discriminatory underwriting, hikes in premiums and reduced coverage that HR 3522 bring. Heh maybe Cook looks at it this way, he's got his Tri-Care, his Medicare if he needs it and what Congress pays for and us little folks are SOL?
Bob Conaway for Congress (CA-08)
12127 Mall Blvd, Suite A-363
Victorville CA 92392
Contact No. (760) 617-8305
Contributions or gifts to Bob Conaway for Congress are not tax deductible.
Contributions from foreign nationals or corporations are prohibited.
Contributions or gifts to Bob Conaway for Congress are not tax deductible.
Contributions from foreign nationals or corporations are prohibited.

Thursday, September 11, 2014
Why Iraq III - Will Congress plz show up?
Bob Conaway, a candidate for Congress in California's 8th Congressional District says:
"We need to avoid without Congressional approval, beyond humanitarian aide and security forces needed to defend American diplomatic assets, propping up an Iraqi regime in failure mode & ignoring our own 'life' priorities.
First, as BBC reporters have said, the old failed leadership in Iraq just played a game of musical chairs before the US announced there was a new government. It seems that we are asking the same Sunni leaders that could not get their army to stand their ground and fight ISIL, to now fight ISIL, because of some humanitarian supplies being delivered to Kurds and bombing missions (and the promise of more bombings). What is the logic of this? We bombed Sadaam and it was not enough--we had to commit ground forces and when they (the US) withdrew, instability reappeared. How is this any different? Some have said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result?
"We need to avoid without Congressional approval, beyond humanitarian aide and security forces needed to defend American diplomatic assets, propping up an Iraqi regime in failure mode & ignoring our own 'life' priorities.
First, as BBC reporters have said, the old failed leadership in Iraq just played a game of musical chairs before the US announced there was a new government. It seems that we are asking the same Sunni leaders that could not get their army to stand their ground and fight ISIL, to now fight ISIL, because of some humanitarian supplies being delivered to Kurds and bombing missions (and the promise of more bombings). What is the logic of this? We bombed Sadaam and it was not enough--we had to commit ground forces and when they (the US) withdrew, instability reappeared. How is this any different? Some have said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result?
Second, through all this, no one has
asked where did the Republican Guard Ba'thist Party forces go when the
US arrived in Baghdad? The Republican Guard had military training to
fight and fight they did against Iran and Kuwait, so one has to ask, (a)
if they are now part of the Iraqi Army, are we rearming and allying
with Sadaam's old military elite? (b) If they are not part of the new
(current) Iraqi Army, where are they and are we bombing to help defeat
that previously "vanished" military elite or (c) are they standing by
waiting for Iraq's collapse (or weakening from the conflict we are
ramping up) so they can walk in without firing a shot?
has anyone asked about whether Iraqi Sunnis want to fight other Sunnis
even if they are part of ISIL? We seem to forget the Sunnis under Sadaam
(which the Army was primarily made up of) killed Kurdish civilians
(like what is happening now?). Could it be that Sunni Iraqis don't want
to attack Sunni-leaning ISIL forces so Kurds can be saved the ravages of
war, when just maybe, some Sunnis in Iraq might see ISIL's attack of
the Kurds being a way to seize back control of the oil fields
historically operated by Iraqi Sunnis? Who are we helping in this fight
and what end game are we working?
Congress needs to
debate this--e.g. who are we doing this for and why? If this is about
oil fields, stay out and develop our natural resources. Most of the oil
is reportedly going to Red China--what's our bone in this fight?.
Are we really doing this to save lives? We have a lot of "life" issues, including but not limited to shipping children away who are escaping to the US for a better life with apparently little regard to their fate upon return, failing to deal with the record numbers of suicides in the armed forces by ignoring the signs and failing to give our fighting men and women full and unfettered access to needed medical care to prevent such acts of self destruction [Extrapolating from a 2012 VA report that found 22 veterans took their lives each day in 2009 and 2010, IAVA members planted 1,892 flags on the National Mall Thursday to commemorate the staggering figure; see also], ignoring runaway homelessness numbers (many of which are vets), ignoring crippling student loan debt and abusive Sallie Mae collection policies which is causing depression and anxiety amongst our unemployed and underemployed youth (and returning vets who had some college educational loans) and ignoring the fact 1 in 5 American children suffer from hunger (how about deliverying those food packs to our poor).
How about dealing with our "life" issues first?"
Bob Conaway for Congress (CA-08)
12127 Mall Blvd, Suite A-363
Victorville CA 92392
Contact No. (760) 617-8305
Contributions or gifts to Bob Conaway for Congress are not tax deductible.
Contributions from foreign nationals or corporations are prohibited.
Contributions or gifts to Bob Conaway for Congress are not tax deductible.
Contributions from foreign nationals or corporations are prohibited.
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Bob Conaway Urges Paul Cook to Strengthen the Fight Against Child Hunger in America
September is "Hunger Action Month" and September 4, 2014 is "Hunger
Action Day". Bob Conaway, a candidate for Congress, asks Paul Cook to
visit a child feeding program operated by one of the local food banks to
show his concern for our hungry children.
The Situation: 1 in 5 kids in
the United States face hunger, exposing them to increased learning
difficulties, increased school absenteeism and poorer general health.
Our Response: Next year, members of Congress have an important opportunity to strengthen child nutrition programs, especially programs that target children when they are out of school and harder to reach. Feeding America and child hunger advocates like Bob Conaway are urging Congress to give states flexibility in how they operate summer, after-school, and weekend programs to better reach hungry kids.
Your Impact: Join Feeding America’s or other local programs' cooperative advocacy team and urge Paul Cook and other members of Congress to strengthen child nutrition programs. By pledging your voice and sharing your pledge with others - you’ll join thousands of anti-hunger advocates working to carrying the message of a hunger-free America to elected officials across the country. Together, we can solve hunger.
A shocker: A campaign press release asking you to not give money, but get informed on an issue and just maybe think about the hungry children when you send a check to a politician for another mailer or TV ad. The contact number for one organization fighting against child hunger is Feeding America.
1-800-910-5524. or
Our Response: Next year, members of Congress have an important opportunity to strengthen child nutrition programs, especially programs that target children when they are out of school and harder to reach. Feeding America and child hunger advocates like Bob Conaway are urging Congress to give states flexibility in how they operate summer, after-school, and weekend programs to better reach hungry kids.
Your Impact: Join Feeding America’s or other local programs' cooperative advocacy team and urge Paul Cook and other members of Congress to strengthen child nutrition programs. By pledging your voice and sharing your pledge with others - you’ll join thousands of anti-hunger advocates working to carrying the message of a hunger-free America to elected officials across the country. Together, we can solve hunger.
A shocker: A campaign press release asking you to not give money, but get informed on an issue and just maybe think about the hungry children when you send a check to a politician for another mailer or TV ad. The contact number for one organization fighting against child hunger is Feeding America.
1-800-910-5524. or
Bob Conaway for Congress (CA-08)
12127 Mall Blvd, Suite A-363
Victorville CA 92392
Contact No. (760) 617-8305
Contributions or gifts to Bob Conaway for Congress are not tax deductible.
Contributions from foreign nationals or corporations are prohibited.
Contributions or gifts to Bob Conaway for Congress are not tax deductible.
Contributions from foreign nationals or corporations are prohibited.
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